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Commercial Restroom Innovation

December 14, 2022

Commercial Restroom Inspiration and Innovation: Our Top 10 Posts of 2022

In the world of commercial restroom design, 2022 may be remembered as the year we took a deep breath and got back to almost-normal. The pandemic and other disruptions still mattered, but architects, designers, engineers, and facility managers could once again make restroom design and sustainability their top goals.

Our most popular 2022 blog posts reflected this shift—from an introduction to our dazzling new Chicago showroom to a celebration of Earth Day, with lots of focus on restroom innovation along the way.

Please enjoy revisiting our top blog posts of the year, and let us know which are your favorites.

  1. Commercial Designers and Architects: Welcome to our New Chicago Showroom! Our new showroom is in a perfect location for architects and designers—a 15-minute walk from the iconic Merchandise Mart in the heart of Fulton Market. It’s the ideal space to collaborate, learn, and finalize your commercial restroom plans.
  2. Tired of Under-sink Soap Refills? Meet Our New Top-fill Soap Dispenser! Facility managers and maintenance staff shouldn’t have to crawl under a sink deck to replenish the soap reservoir. That’s why we introduced the only closed, top-fill soap dispenser available for commercial restrooms.
  3. It’s Back to School Time—and Hand Hygiene is as Important as Ever. The pandemic may have peaked, but leaders in educational facility design and management are still taking important steps to keep hand hygiene a top priority.
  4. World Interiors Day 2022: Showcase Your Creativity—and Why It’s Important. World Interiors Day is like Earth Day for interior design. What kind of impact does it make, and how does commercial restroom design fit into its global celebration?
  5. Sloan’s New Gravity Toilet Offers a One-two Punch of “Cool.” Water closet styles and functions haven’t changed much over the decades, and many people take them for granted. But Sloan’s new Gravity Toilets have a strikingly different look and work like no other toilet you’ve ever seen.
  6. Stylish & Functional. Sensible & Fun. Meet Our New SF Touch-free Faucets. If you’re an architect or designer given a modest budget for restroom design, our new SF faucets offer sleek, contemporary options at a competitive price point. Stretch your design vision without stretching your budget.
  7. Designing Commercial Restrooms to Meet the WELL Standard: A New CEU Course. Recent research has revealed that nearly three quarters of North Americans don’t consider the air and water in office, condominiums, and hotel buildings to be safe. Our new WELL Building Standard CEU course can help you design commercial facilities in which people feel safe.
  8. Institutions: What is Restroom Water Abuse, and How Do You Stop It? Restroom vandalism at public institutions such as prison and health facilities can result in wasted water, labor-intensive cleanups, or even damaged infrastructure. Sloan’s Programmed Water Technologies (PWT) helps prevent abuse with tamper-proof hardware and scalable water management software.
  9. After Disaster Strikes, the Sloan Mobile Restrooms Are There. In the wake of tornadoes, wildfires, and hurricanes, we’ve deployed our Mobile Restrooms to give people immediate assistance during their most challenging times—because being comfortable is important when your entire world has been disrupted.
  10. Earth Day ’22: Why We’re Happy to #InvestInOurPlanet. Many people believe “business” and “sustainability” are on opposite sides of a great conflict, as if progress by one side must somehow mean a loss on the other. But nothing could be further from the truth, and Earth Day 2022 was all about the vital alliance of business and the environment.

Don’t miss any of our 2023 posts on commercial restroom hygiene, sustainability, innovation, and style!

From the 1906 invention of the Royal® Flushometer to today’s automatic fixtures, Sloan’s innovations have pioneered major advances in commercial restroom hygiene. Want to know more? Talk to Sloan!

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