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Mobile Restroom

February 10, 2022

After Disaster Strikes, the Sloan Mobile Restrooms Are There

After tornadoes ripped through Kentucky in December 2021, our Mobile Restrooms were there.

In the wake of California’s latest season of devastating wildfires, our Mobile Restrooms were there.

When Hurricane Ida left thousands of people in Louisiana homeless, our Mobile Restrooms were there.

At Sloan, we’re deeply committed to multiple nonprofit organizations, both local and national, with a focus on environmental disasters and causes, as well as global education, children’s health and well-being, and medical research.

When catastrophe strikes, we respond quickly with an innovation that gives people immediate assistance during their most challenging times—our Mobile Restrooms.

How the Sloan Mobile Restrooms Help During a Crisis

Sloan Mobile Restroom

We created the Sloan Mobile Restrooms to be deluxe facilities that help support communities affected by natural disasters, emergencies, and other catastrophic incidents like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Why do communities need deluxe mobile restrooms after a disaster? Because being comfortable is important when your entire world has been disrupted.

Imagine your community after a tornado, wildfire, hurricane, earthquake, or any other disaster. People’s homes have been destroyed. Families are packed into school gymnasiums or sports arenas—or living in hastily assembled tent communities. They’re sleeping on cots, floors, or the ground, and comfort is certainly not a priority.

There aren’t nearly enough restrooms for everyone. Portable toilets are an option, but they’re cramped, smelly, and unhygienic. We believe people who have lost everything deserve clean, comfortable restrooms, and that’s what the Mobile Restrooms provide:

  • Separate spaces for women and men, with fixtures in each for five people to use at once
  • A clean, relaxed indoor environment
  • ADA-compliant modifications to accommodate any user
  • Touch-free faucets and soap dispensers for optimal hygiene

A Sloan Mobile Restroom may only provide a small portion of the relief a devastated community needs, but the community’s people (and the volunteers working with them) appreciate its presence.

“The Mobile Restroom has been used as a bathroom, changing room, and shelter from the rain a few times,” said Traci Rankin, Field Leadership-IMT Manager, Clay Hunt Fellow, a hurricane relief worker, “but most often it has given us a sense of normalcy in a disaster zone. It’s has been a blessing to have on the operation.”

Mobile Handwashing Stations for Chicago Public Schools

The Sloan Mobile Restroom isn’t the only innovation we’ve deployed to help communities in need.

Slaon Mobile Handwashing Stations

Last year, as students begin to re-enter classrooms one year into the COVID-19 pandemic, we worked with the Wood Family Foundation’s Pitch In program to facilitate the donation of Sloan Mobile Handwashing Stations to four Chicago public schools.

The Sloan Mobile Handwashing Station is a complete, touch-free hand hygiene station that can be placed almost anywhere, in almost any facility. Stationed in Chicago public schools, they gave students, teachers, administrators, and parents an extra level of confidence in their hand hygiene with kids returning to school for the first time in a year.

Sloan co-president and CEO Graham Allen said, “Hand hygiene is so crucial to enhancing health and wellness right now in all venues—and schools are right at the top of that list. We’ve been proud partners with the Wood Family Foundation since its inception, and we’re so pleased to be able to work with them once again to deliver hygiene-friendly solutions in Chicago schools.”

Since William Elvis Sloan invented the modern flushometer in 1906, we’ve made innovation a priority in every facet of our business. We’re especially proud that our innovations can be a source of help when communities are in need. Learn more about our charitable giving and community involvement.

Next time disaster strikes, we’ll be there.

Need innovative solutions for your next stylish, sustainable, hygienic commercial restroom project? Contact Sloan!

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